What does our initial sift of applications entail and why is it so important?

We use a thorough sifting process to validate the applications we receive and ensure that all applicants meet the minimum eligibility criteria. This process involves several steps to ensure that only the most qualified applicants are considered for the award they enter.

Firstly, we review all applications to ensure that they have been completed correctly and contain all the necessary information. Applications that are incomplete or do not provide enough detail may be disqualified at this stage.

Next, we check that the applicants meet the minimum eligibility criteria for the chosen category. This may include criteria such as the size of the business, the length of time it has been in operation, and the nature of its operations.

We may also conduct background checks on the applicant to ensure that there are no legal or financial issues that could impact their eligibility for the award.

Once we have completed these initial checks, we may ask for additional information or clarification from applicants to ensure that their application is complete and accurate.

Finally, we create a shortlist of eligible applicants that will progress to the next stage of the competition, where their applications will be reviewed and scored by our independent, volunteer judges.

Overall, our sifting process is designed to ensure that only the most qualified and deserving applicants are considered for the award category they enter, and to maintain the integrity and prestige of the BIBAs

BIBAs sift continues as organisers at the North & Western Lancashire validate avalanche of applications
What does our initial sift of applications entail and why is it so important?
What sets the BIBAs apart from other business awards you might be familiar with?