Don’t leave it to the last minute!

Submitting an entry to the BIBAs awards can be a time-consuming and challenging process, and it’s easy to put it off until the last minute. However, it’s important to remember that leaving your entry to the last minute, regardless of category, can have a negative impact on your chances of success.

Submitting an entry at the last minute can lead to rushed and incomplete applications, which may not fully showcase your business’s achievements and strengths. This can result in a lower score from the judges and reduce your chances of being shortlisted or winning an award.

Not only that, by submitting your entry earlier, you will have more time to prepare and gather evidence to support your application. This will allow you to present a more comprehensive and compelling case for why your business deserves to be recognised, increasing your chances of success.

Give your business the best shot at success and get your application in well before the deadline of 31st March, which will be here sooner than you think!

Entries sought for coveted Lancashire business awards
Don't leave it to the last minute!
Judges tips