Defending a crown or seeking new glory!

The BIBAs has become a mainstay in many calendars across Lancashire – and some are new to the experience.

Over the years, some businesses come back for more glory, intent on defending their crowns while some want to conquer a new category and others are content with the one trophy to adorn their reception areas or boardrooms (or mantelpiece).

Whatever their reasoning, the BIBAs has a category for every business – so if you haven’t entered this year, there’s plenty of time to think about next year.

In the meantime, why not take a look at last year’s roll of honour and previous years where all types of business have battled for “the one they all want to win.”

Sponsors and suppliers shout out!
Defending a crown or seeking new glory!
BIBAs on tour reaches half-way stage with judges amazed at Lancashire’s “diversity and talent.”