And the final award of the night goes to…

At The BIBAs’ ceremony night, there is a distinguished award chosen by a select panel of judges.

The prestigious Lancastrian of the Year award is handpicked by former winners to honour an individual’s remarkable contributions to Lancashire’s business community.

Babs Murphy, Chief Executive of the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, emphasized, “The Lancastrian of the Year award celebrates long-term achievements, recognizing individuals who have significantly impacted job creation, innovation, and the overall vitality of Lancashire’s business landscape.”

“We’ve received nominations from across the county, and it’s now the responsibility of our esteemed Lancastrians to select the newest member of this esteemed group.”

“The judges are well-informed, knowledgeable and insightful” – a winner’s story
And the final award of the night goes to…
Investing in apprenticeship programmes are huge benefit to the economy, says BIBAs sponsor