You’ve made it to the finals, now what?

Well done if you’re one of the businesses that we’ve announced today as a finalist in the BIBAs 2023, it’s an incredible achievement to have made it this far!

So, now what?

Well, firstly, head to the BIBAs website here and check out the dates for the second and final stage of interviews when the judges go ‘on tour’ and visit you on your own turf. Get the dates blocked-out in your diary if you haven’t already, and make sure you and your team are ready and fully prepared.

Re-read your application, and make sure you’re ready to expand on the answers you’ve given as the judges are sure to probe you on these.

And be sure to buy your tickets for the ceremony – there’s nothing worse than leaving it until the last minute only to find that all the places have been snapped-up and you can’t be there on the night to collect your award on stage if you win. Go here to book now.

Excitement mounts as BIBAs finalists are informed
You’ve made it to the finals, now what?
Spotlight on BIBAs finalists - A closer look at the BIBAs finalists and what makes them stand out