The application deadline has passed, so now what?

Well, firstly, we have the task of sifting through and validating all the applications we’ve received.

While we’re busy doing this, we’re also getting ready to train this year’s judges. They’ll soon find out all about our new online scoring system, and how the judging process will work, so that they’re ready to put our award hopefuls through their paces and make sure that only the most deserving winners are selected.

And don’t worry, if you’ve been and selected for interview, we’ll be letting you know on Tuesday 2nd May in advance of the interviews taking place on 18th & 19th May – so you can clear you diary and start swotting-up ready to impress our judges!

The BIBAs, have closed to entries after receiving a last-minute deluge of applications
The application deadline has passed, so now what?
Tickets for the Ceremony now on sale